何种手机有拍照翻译功能 您所在的位置:网站首页 presenting your products翻译 何种手机有拍照翻译功能


#何种手机有拍照翻译功能| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

产品是多个迷你产品的集合 (Product Is a Collection of Multiple Mini Products)

The famous example that ignited the debate was when Steve Jobs called Dropbox a feature back in 2009. To the Dropbox founders, Dropbox is a product, but to Steve Jobs, dropbox is a feature like iCloud.

引发争论的著名例子是Steve Jobs于2009年将Dropbox 称为功能。对于Dropbox创始人 ,Dropbox是产品 ,但对Steve Jobs而言 ,dropbox是iCloud之类的功能 。

Product vs Features | product management | product memes | Steve Jobs | Dropbox | Dropbox is now with $8.8BN -Dropbox现在的市值是88亿美元

Features and products are different sides of the same coin. A product is made up of multiple mini-products. Either you’ve created these mini-products, or someone else did.

功能和产品是同一枚硬币的不同面。 一个产品由多个微型产品组成 。 您已经创建了这些微型产品,或者其他人创建了。

The mini-products that sits underneath a bigger product is called a Feature.

位于较大产品下的微型产品 称为 功能。

The mini-features that sits underneath a bigger feature is called a Component.

的 迷你功能 位于更大的功能之下 叫做 一个 零件。

They are just different layers of grouping solutions together and used to summarise a context. It doesn’t imply value in any way.

它们只是 将解决方案组合在一起的不同层次,并用于总结上下文 。 它并不以任何方式暗示价值 。

Product vs Features | product management | product memes | Company Structure template | Different layers of abstraction

For example, the Intel CPU that sits inside a MacBook:

例如,位于MacBook内的Intel CPU:

To Apple, the Intel CPU is a Feature that’s part of a MacBook Pro Product.

苹果公司, 英特尔CPU是一个功能 ,是一个MacBook Pro的产品的一部分。

To Intel, the CPU is not a Feature but a Product they sell to Apple

对于英特尔来说, CPU不是功能,而是他们出售给苹果的产品

To a manufacturer, the silicon is a product, not a feature of a CPU

对于制造商而言, 芯片是产品,而不是CPU的功能

So Feature or Product — it just depends on which perspective you’re looking from.

因此, 功能或产品-取决于您从哪个角度看。

对待功能与产品相同 (Treat Features The Same As Products)

Don’t look at features as lesser value, but instead approach it with the same mindset as if you’re creating a product.


Every feature should go through the 3 stages of discovery, delivery and market adoption. Knowing the stage of your feature will help you to make the right decision at the right time.

每个功能都应该经历发现,交付和市场采用的三个阶段。 了解功能的阶段将有助于您在正确的时间做出正确的决定 。

Product vs Features | product management | product memes | Product lifecycle Template |

Over time, managing multiple features lifecycles can get overwhelming. You need to kill off features at the end of their lifecycle and continuously review the experience of your Product.

随着时间的流逝,管理多个功能生命周期会变得不堪重负。 您需要在其生命周期结束时终止功能,并不断地查看产品的体验。

If you lose track, you’ll fall into the trap of a bloated product. It’s a world of pain you want to avoid.

如果您迷路了 ,就会陷入膨胀产品的陷阱。 您想避免这个痛苦的世界。

Product vs Features | product management | product memes | Product lifecycle Template | For an established product like WordPress, there are multiple lifecycles for their features and products 对于像WordPress这样的成熟产品,其功能和产品有多个生命周期

Approach from a lean mindset and categorise solutions based on customer problems. This way, you can hit multiple birds with one solution rather than building a new feature for every customer problem.

精益思维方式 并根据客户问题对解决方案进行分类。 这样,您可以用一种解决方案解决多头难题,而不必为每个客户问题构建新功能。

For example, Medium does an excellent job at this. They are not afraid to merge experiences and kill off dead features.

例如,Medium在这方面做得很好。 他们不惧怕融合经验并杀死死掉的功能。

Product vs Features | product management | Medium Screenshot| iPhone | Blog Post screenshot Example from the Medium beta app — simplified the navigation based on usage 中型Beta版应用的示例-根据使用情况简化了导航 功能应具有类似产品的指标 (Features Should Have Metrics Like A Product)

To stay on top of your Product, you need to set goals for each feature. Feature usage is a leading indicator of how likely you’ll meet your product goals.

为了保持产品的领先地位,您需要 为每个功能设定目标 。 功能使用情况是衡量您实现产品目标可能性的主要指标 。

For example, a login feature that has low daily usage is an indicator of a retention metric that will get impacted.

例如, 每天使用率较低的登录功能是保留指标的指标,该指标会受到影响 。

Your feature goals should align with your product goals just as Products goals should align with business goals.


Product vs Features | product management | product memes | Company Structure template | Product OKR | Metrics Template Example of an online book store 网上书店的示例 自定义针对不同受众的路线图 (Customise Your Roadmap For Different Audiences)

When presenting your product roadmap, you need to be purposeful and use the right perspective for the audience.


I’d suggest creating 3 different levels of roadmaps so you can be flexible and show different levels of goals, products, and features.


Product vs Features | product management | product roadmap template | Product Roadmapping | Feature roadmap | Initiative |

For example,


If you’re an Instagram PM, and you’re presenting to the CEO of Facebook. You should present Instagram Stories as a Feature, and Instagram as the Product.

如果您是Instagram PM,并且正在向Facebook首席执行官介绍。 您应该将Instagram故事作为功能呈现,将Instagram作为产品呈现。

On the other hand, if you’re communicating to internal Instagram teams. Instagram Stories is a Product, and a Feature might be the Stickers inside the Stories product.

另一方面,如果您要与内部Instagram团队进行交流。 Instagram故事是产品, 功能可能是故事产品中的贴纸 。

Understand your audience before labelling your solution as a feature or a product. This will make your communication much more effective.

在将解决方案标记为功能或产品之前,请先了解您的受众 。 这将使您的交流更加有效。

最后,保持行业的政治优势 (Lastly, Stay Above the Politics in The Industry)

Product Management is one of those confusing roles where you don’t have a benchmark to define what’s right or wrong. Most of the time, the answer is “It depends”.

产品管理是那些令人困惑的角色之一,您没有基准来确定对与错。 在大多数情况下,答案是“取决于情况”。

There are a lot of politics that shrouds the Feature vs Product debate. Stay above it. Most of the time, it’s just a matter of perspective. (Include this post 🙂)

有很多政治的那个整流罩的功能VS产品辩论。 留在上面。 在大多数情况下, 这只是透视问题 。 (包括这篇文章🙂)

Build multiple mindsets, process and tools over your career. In time, you’ll be irreligious of different opinions and focus on building great products instead.

建立多种 心态,流程和工具 在你的职业生涯中。 随着时间的流逝,您将不屑于不同的意见, 而是专注于打造出色的产品。






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